Thursday 22 January 2015

What is best beginner steroid
What is best beginner steroid

What is best beginner steroid


Getting that aspiration body is not easy, you can testify to that if you have ever tried to build your body by killing yourself in a gym. Many people think that having that perfect male design body is just a matter of right genetics and then slugging out with weights. Actually, that is not true. Truth of the matter is that most of these people you see with perfect bodies, which seem like sculpted by God himself. They usually use steroids to build that kind of body. You would obviously ask is not using steroids harmful for human anatomy?


Answer is that it is dependent upon the method of use and care you take in designing your first cycle. Can you use steroids to get that aspiration body? Answer is again yes. Next question will be how can I do that? There are few things, which you have to consider when designing your first steroid cycle. Usual mistake that all beginner make is that they try to start with a stack of steroids. It has one major drawback. Sometimes your body reacts to certain steroids, if you are using a stack or more than one steroid at whenever. You will never be able to find out exactly which steroid is causing that allergic reaction from your body.


Therefore, it is always best that you start with something simple and basic like testosterone. There are number of reasons why this is a good choice. To begin with, male bodies do not react adversely to use of testosterone. One of the main reasons, it is a natural hormone that your body produces naturally. Therefore, most of the times, it does not get any adverse reaction from a male body and it easily assimilates into your metabolism. Another, reason is that it acts as a test, if you can easily assimilate this steroid. Most probably, you will be able to use any steroid without any problem. Important thing to remember is, it is not a magic drug, like the types you see on Tv or on internet. You will have to use it for several weeks before the results start to appear.


To get the best results from use of steroids, you have to use them cyclically. If you continue using steroids for an indefinite period, your body will start undergoing degeneration. Problem is that steroids do damage your body if you use them without a split. To overcome this problem, you have to discontinue the use of steroids after sometime. Usually the best cycle is of about 12 weeks. However, if you stop using steroids, soon, all of the mass you have gained will disappear. It means that you have to find the right balance between the intervals in which you use the steroids and you rest your body before the next cycle. It differs from person to person, but roughly, the cycles goes like 12 weeks of utilization then take a split for 3 weeks and then start taking estrogen to help your body balance out any residual negative effects.

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