Monday 18 May 2015

Keep Your Skin Looking Young And Healthy
Keep Your Skin Looking Young And Healthy
As we grow older time starts to take its toll on how we look and our faces are probably the most noticeable part of the aging process. Skin can become wrinkled, dry and start to sag and it may be that special treatment is required to restore a more youthful appearance. There is a big market in products to help you look younger and also many techniques you can apply to give you the glowing complexion of your earlier years. In this article we will look at some tips to keep your skin looking younger.

One of the easiest and cheapest tips is to drink plenty of water as this helps to retain moisture in your skin. This will help to improve its appearance and flush toxins out of your system which is always a good thing for your complexion. If you can, get into the habit of sipping bottled or filtered water throughout the day and before going to bed. A good way to start the day is to drink a cup of warm water with lemon juice added as once again this can help to cleanse your body from the inside.

Massaging specific areas of the face with the aid of facial oils can also be beneficial. The technique of massaging from the neck, up to your face and all the way to your forehead using a plant based oil can bring a radiant glow to the way you look. There are a wide range of facial oils on the market and it is good to choose an organic brand if you can. As an example, jojoba oil which is complimentary to all types of skin can help with wrinkles and dehydration based on its specific properties. Natural, organic products contain ingredients to restore your skin's vitality by combating processes such as the reduction of collagen.

A further way you can help yourself in keeping your skin looking younger is through diet and exercise. Daily exercise in the fresh air such as taking a brisk walk will help to keep your skin glowing as long as you take the precaution of using a sun protection cream, especially on hot days. A well balanced diet is an important factor for your skin and you need to consider reducing the amount of sugar, salt and processed foods that you eat. A whole food natural diet to include fruit, vegetables and lean meat is ideal. The inclusion of foods such as nuts, pulses and oily fish that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids can really help your skin.

In terms of the cosmetics you use there are some tips you can follow that help reduce the signs of aging. The cosmetic industry manufacture many products aimed specifically to help maturing skin and if used together with skin care creams you can start to reduce wrinkles and lines. Mineral powders, foundations and concealers can be used on areas of your face where needed and a light blusher can provide a soft glow to your skin. If you can, keep your eyebrows shaped and tidy which you may choose to have done professionally if your budget allows and this can help to give a lift to your whole face.

As you get older, your skin will start to age but with a little time and effort you can keep these effects to the minimum.

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